
Like belief,
But more subtle
Than belief,
More subtle
Than image,
More subtle
Then sentences,
More subtle
Than air, earth, fire, water,
More subtle
Than the gross space
Between musical notes
Inside the head.

Yet not
Nothing at all.

Is integration
Without splits,
No splits,
Like a subtle white
Which unifies
All colors,
Or uniting
Of a subtle love,
Without distance
Between points.
Pattern without

Energy more subtle
Than ordinary energy,
Like a transparent flash,
Like the glimpse of a glimpsing.

I Sphynx

As Godhood meets the void
Within it we dream and divine;
Our reality envisioned into light
Past, present, future all collide
Fought and cherished as one;
Alchemy of outward opposites
Dissolved by the red and blue
Of ocean flood and hell flame
Reborn through the eye of Isis
Through our communal dust


The silence between us
Should be analyzed
Is it peaceful and full with understanding
Is it ominous and threatening like the words
You want to speak but don’t out of
Sheer self-control
Is the silence a bond because vocabulary seems inadequate?
Is it a fetter
You don’t want to break
Afraid of the noise it will create
Is it the silence when the soul speaks
Is it enforced like a helpless victim
Is it of so complete an attention
That a single word missed would create
Valleys of misconceptions
As if the silence of a command
In front of a dictator
Personified silences should be sculptured

Advancing Translucency

Intent shines
With the light
Of subtle energy,
Like the essence
Of stained glass.

Diaphanous earth,
Translucent water,
Energetic transparent fire,
Air so clear
It is like watching a breeze.

Intention subtlizes
Into a corner
Of the inner eye

All these translucencies
Are a link
Between the subtle energy
Of the mind
And the effects
That it creates.

In His Silence

One frozen tiny space
I am, in his little silence.

Listening to the noises
all day long.
He embraces his silence
His Space
His sky
My eyes.

I have kept a warm
Velvet bound album there
Inside is
Yesterdays in sepia
Words gained, failed
Octaves lost, found
Moments from us
Happiness abundant.

He now heeds all
With an expanse of light
Fill in the missing beats
Guides them to meanings
in his silence.

With trembling hands
He catches shadows
With restless fingers
He tears the cobwebs
With water in the
Corner of his eyes
Stares where he played
Skips a beat in his heart
Suddenly, while he works
in his silence.

He remembers his ‘talkative her’
in his silence.

Black Diamond Gnosis

I arose, kicking
galaxies behind me
flaying light like the
jewels of Indra's net
in the dark sea of the abyss.

My mind like a peacock's fan
Looks out a thousand directions
Into you, where you see me
Before and through all others.

Sol lays his dying bruised head
Into the soil of my breasts
Yet I AM the first thing
Passing out of
Bejewelling silence.

Among ten thousand stars
Earth Mother hurls back
A white ray from a black sun
Sure sign that She
Dances in joyous retreat
To the one she knew before
Undying creatrix sees the same One
in a different picture

This light is the final mirth
With which all realities begin.
Having nothing to give up
We give everything
Having nothing to look at
We see everything.

How elegant and brilliant
Are we in dazzling darkness!
And immaculately conceived
in unceasing Renewing Intelligence!
In the presence of all mysteries -
Thinking we had died and fallen -
Life presents another chance.
Somehow such a satisfying reflection
We see through the pain that comes before.
Somehow such a renewed conception
The taste of life is undulled and bittersweet.

Rightly viewed from every angle!
Perfect Light, Resplendent Being
Let this witch be your diamond eye!


cicle stars and dragon teeth,
Sowing Golden Fleece galaxies,
Phrixus knots and Jason glots,
Shampoo Gilgamesh glaciers,
Wanton Medea and honey sweet Rhea,
Spiraling ether tornado down to Jerusalem,
Cartoon rabbit tails, tales, tales,
And the
All on the spaceship Titanic,
Consuming comet condiments
That I write with,
Reverse psychology in the Garden of Eden,
Sparkle my head with Medusa’s tongues,
Typhoeus’ flames and charbroiled pain,
This is my poetics,
My fantasy planet,
Eschewing demons brains,
Flinging Tiamat’s hordes,
Swiveling down into my chevron,
Upon the running of the Beatniks,
Simmering rings I interpose,
God the circumference everywhere and nowhere,
Fatuous maidenheads,
Horus my operator,
There is no air to breathe in outer space,
But pyramids stand like docking hubs,
Does anyone know where the Abyss went?
Where did God put it?
I forgot,
I continually fish words from its bottomless gravity
Like a prophet,
It stirs like the windstorms on Jupiter,
I steal its chaotic vibrations and bring you
Chivalrous caprice now etched in caves
And in invisible ink on God’s leaves,
Some cosmic Purusha or name,
One day we will wreak the great explosion,
The dragon’s riches spread into every corner,
Some heavenly diadem of communist kingdom,
Centimanes and the fifty great gods,
Maruts, Anunnaki and leavened bread,
Wisdom from the stars of sand,
Marduk Lord of Lords,
Marukka Knower of all,
Marutukku Master of Protection,
Barashakushu Worker of Miracles,
Luggaldimmerankia Master of Order,
Nariluggaldimmerankia Watchman of the Gods,
Asaruludu with Flaming Sword,
Namtillaku Lord over Death,
Namru Giver of Wisdom,
Asaru Lord of Vegetation,
Asarualim the Lightener,
Asarualimnunna Lord of Weaponry,
Tutu Destroyer of Sorrow,
Ziukkinna Knower of the Stars,
Ziku Lord of Treasures,
Agaku Lord of Amulets,
Tuku Vanquisher of the Ancients,
Shazu Knower of Thoughts,
Zisi Bringer of Peace,
Suhrim Manslaughterer,
Suhgurim the Deadly,
Zahrim Lord of Warriors,
Zahgurim the Fierce Opponent,
Enbilulu Master of Waters,
Epadun Lord of Irrigation,
Enbilulugugal Master of Growth,
Hegal Lord of Agriculture,
Sirsir Slayer of the Serpent,
Malah Lord of Courage,
Gil Furnisher of Seed,
Gilma Master Architect,
Agilma the Rainmaker,
Zulum Lord of Commerce,
Mummu Wisdom of Creation,
Zulummar Giver of Strength,
Lugalabdubur Vanquisher of the Serpent’s Hordes,
Pagalguenna Lord of Infinite Intelligence,
Lugaldurmah Lord of the Skies,
Aranunna Knower of the Covenant,
Dumuduku of the Lapis Lazuli Wand,
Lugalanna Power of the Elders,
Lugalugga Knower of Spirit Essences,
Irkingu Sealer of the Covenant,
Kinma Judge and Lord of the Gods,
Esizkur Measurer of Life,
Gibil Lord of the Forge,
Addu Storm Raiser,
Asharru Knower of Treacherous Ways,
Nebiru Lord of Gates,
Ninnuam Lord of Laws and Reigns,
Magan boat mayhem,
The Argo’s constellation,
Sordid miscegenation,
Serpent’s and fleeces,
Sacrificed rams,
Hence Deucalion and Noah
Find some Utnapishtim to furrow,
Heavy chained horrors,
Imbue me with your wrath,
Tartarus heed the karmic melody,
So painful are the Gods,
So painful is beauty,